ESG – new currency on the business market


Implementing sustainable development principles in enterprises is not only about the obligations of developing strategies, collecting data, and reporting on the impact of these enterprises on the broad environment, society, and corporate governance but also about opportunities for growth and new possibilities for companies.

The introduction of high-quality ESG reporting allows companies to manage risk more effectively, better recognize opportunities, and strengthen relationships with stakeholders. Implementing ESG strategies and reporting the impact of companies on these three key areas E-S-G is no longer just an option – this is a necessity that opens the door for enterprises to better financing, stronger trust, and long-term development.

So, what benefits and opportunities can arise from implementing and reporting on ESG strategies?

  • Sustainability-Oriented Financing: Effective ESG reporting attracts investors and opens access to new forms of financing. Financial markets increasingly reward companies focused on sustainable goals, making ESG not only an ethical choice but also financially viable. Compliance with ESG can directly influence easier access to loans, grants, and other forms of financing. Companies with a well-developed ESG strategy are often seen as less risky and more forward-looking by financial institutions.
  • Risk Management and Opportunity Discovery: By focusing on ESG aspects, companies can better recognize potential risks and opportunities, allowing for a more strategic approach to business and avoiding potential crises. Insights from ESG reports influence investors’ valuation of a company and can increase interest in purchasing shares. Companies with a strong ESG profile are often valued higher in the capital market.
  • Strengthening Stakeholder Relationships: Transparency and accountability in ESG reporting build trust – not only among investors but also among customers, partners, and employees. Companies that actively communicate their commitment to sustainable development often enjoy a better reputation and loyalty. The ESG approach affects the perception of the company as a credible business partner, supplier, or employer. Companies that transparently report their ESG activities are seen as more responsible and ethical.
  • Competitiveness and Innovation: Adapting ESG strategies and sustainable development reporting motivates innovation and the search for new, sustainable business solutions. This, in turn, can translate into a competitive advantage and the opening of new markets.